Friday 23 January 2015

QR codes in the classroom...

  QR codes might seem a bit intimidating at first but they really are simple to use and create

STEP 1:  Download a QR reader onto your device 
A free app can be found on google play
STEP 2: Scan the code. 
Try to keep a steady hand while scanning the QR code
STEP 3: QR reader will open up webpage, text and /or image that it links to

It really is simple... find a QR code generating website, such as...
STEP 1:  Copy and paste the link, press enter, your QR code will generate
STEP 2: Click download QR code
STEP 3: Print or insert your QR code ready to be used and scanned...

The potential for using QR codes in the 'classroom' and engaging learners is endless
Here are some examples of my QR code postcards... 

Friday 9 January 2015

Year 10 Natural forms visual ideas and resources

Year 10 Natural forms coursework unit
Click on link to see lots of good visual ideas for this unit of work 

Tuesday 6 January 2015


Pupils returned to freshly marked books and were given time to reflect on written comments: 

WWW. 'what went well' and EBI. 'even better if'... 

Pupils were given Dedicated Individual Reflection Time 
This allowed pupils the opportunity for teacher comments to be discussed with peers and verbal feedback from teacher. Pupils were then invited to respond to comments and EBI suggestions

Pupils recorded their reflections on DIRT bubbles and attached these to their sketchbooks for future reference

Return of the pupils...

New technology groups... 
7P were introduced to Textiles technology and great discussions occurred about the importance of Textiles technology 

Pupils started their new scheme of work 'The sock monkey project'. 
Pupils researched on their devices existing designs and adapted these into their own drawing plans 

Creative outcomes:

Funny quote of the lesson... 
Mrs A: "I'm going to tweet some of your work"
Pupil: "Why do you want to eat our work!?" 
Mrs A: "Tweet.... I said tweet"

Monday 5 January 2015

Sunday 4 January 2015

Thank you 9C Art pupils...

Marking on a sunday and marking on the last day of holiday... 
thank you 9C for the wonderful work that you gave me to mark

Happy New Year 2015

My new year's resolutions...

Blog more and blog more often! 
Keep sharing... Artwork, my pupils work, what makes me proud, what makes me smile, ideas, interests and pinterests! 
Keep in touch. Keep connecting. 
Take more risks.
Nurture & growth.
Enjoy the journey!