Wednesday 21 May 2014

10E Distorted Portrait project coursework unit sketchbook order

10 E
Half term homework - ensure all work - classwork and homework tasks are complete and stuck into your sketchbooks.  Consider your presentation and add annotations. 

Suggested order~

A3 Title page 'Distorted Portraits' - select images artwork that you like that links to the theme of distorted portraits TO DO / HW

A3 research page on David Hockney - 5 facts / 5 images / personal opinion
A3 page of ICT outcomes linked to Hockney (your portrait in the style of 'My Mother' by Hockney)

x3 pages of cut up and rearranged photocopies of your self portrait

A3 research page on Francis Bacon - 5 facts / 5 images / personal opinion TO DO / HW 
A3 chalk copy of a Francis Bacon portrait

Your face in style of Bacon 1. Chalk 1. Acrylic paint

A3 page showing your face warped (use app - pic twist) make visual links to Francis Bacon's distorted portraits

A3 research page on Anzeri - 5 facts / 5 images / personal opinion TO DO / HW 
Your face / photo sewn in style of Anzeri

A3 research page on either Hayley Warnham, Jack Addis OR Hector SOS - 5 facts / 5 images / personal opinion
Your personal outcome to one of the above artists. Use ICT to generate an outcome.

Deadline - Tuesday 3rd June 2014 

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