Wednesday 24 September 2014

Year 10B GCSE skull studies

Excellent work being produced by 10B... 
working on skull studies for their Natural form GCSE Art coursework 

Well done boys - Keep up the hard work! 

Thursday 18 September 2014

Sock monkeys in the making...

Year 7 Textile pupils start their sock monkeys...
Learning how to iron... 
Monkey business...
Clean socks or smelly socks!!??... 
How do I use this?!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

In the art department today...

8A have been working hard to create their own personalised book labels inspired by Totem Pole Art

 Jack Westley
 Archie Wright 
 Joshua Gregory & Christian Harper 
Sajagan Varathan 

Well done boys... keep up the hard work! 

Monday 15 September 2014

Monday morning masks..

Year 9 C take inspiration from existing characters to design and create their own masks

Friday 12 September 2014

Sixth form Art students...

Making a positive start to their coursework

Getting to know you... getting to know all about you!

Year 7 PSHCE lessons started with pupils playing name games with the objective of 'Getting to know you'. Pupils completed 'All About Me' bunting to go on display

Pupils watched an interesting video on YouTube - show casing various talents... 

Homework set - To create a 'Wordle' word cloud using twenty words that best describe you - include your name and print out for next lesson 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

New Year 2014 - 15...

7F Art have made a great start to the new academic year. Drawing their shoes from observation and writing about their transition from primary to secondary school. 

Textiles technology has arrived.... 
Year 7's trying out the new sewing machines and earning their sewing machine drivers licence