Wednesday 25 June 2014

10E Homework - for Tuesday 1st July 2014

Complete ALL classwork portraits set this week for TUESDAY 1st JULY 2014 

On your photocopies...
1. Complete in the style of Bolognesi = drippy eyes!
2. Complete in the style of Silvia Pelissero
3 & 4 Your own experiments! 

Monday 23 June 2014

8A finished pieces

Some examples of 8A's embellished prints...
Pupils used embroidery techniques to embellish their original print designs inspired by Native American art 

Monday 9 June 2014

7C Homework - Rickshaw art

Find four examples of rickshaw art - copy and paste to an A4 page and print in colour
Select one of these designs to draw on A4 and add colour 
Homework due in - Monday 16th June 2014 

10 E Research page on Silvia Pelissero

Saturday 7 June 2014

10E Research page on Bolognesi

10 E homework - produce an A3 research page on the artist Marion Bolognesi
Include written information, visual examples of the artists work and your own copies. Consider your presentation! Remember to add personal opinion...
On the opposite page add your finished inspired studies of water coloured eyes (class work)
Pupil exemplar

Friday 6 June 2014

Fusion Arts Open Studios Weekend 7th - 8th June 2014

Fusion Arts Open Studios Weekend 7th - 8th June 2014 : Browse five floors of art and artists 
                               Sat 11am-6pm & Sun 11am-5pm
53 Eden Street
Kingston, Surrey

National Portrait Gallery

Andy Warhol

Thursday 5 June 2014

Mrs A's trip to London...

Attended AQA course and got lots of useful information for the Art GCSE 

Link to GCSE specification: 
Yummy lunch... Healthy eating will resume tomorrow!

Visited National Portrait Gallery and National Gallery

National Portrait Gallery 

Trafalgar Square...

Chalk street art - Flags from around the world

 Fourth Plinth art work

 London rickshaws 

 Leicester Square street artist drawing caricatures

 Quick trip to M&M's world


M&M world art gallery 

China Town, London